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Created with Raphaël 2.2.013Oct26Aug256529Jul22Merged unrelated historiesmainmainadded php and connected to databaseadded code without commentsadded changes to websiteChanges in branch8branch10 branch…branch10 branch11 branch12 branch13 branch14 branch8 branch9Merge pull request #3 from michiamimaria/branch7Merge pull request #2 from michiamimaria/travelChanges in branch1branch7branch7added project logistics websitelogistics travellogistics travelMerge pull request #1 from michiamimaria/michiamimaria-patch-1Create README.mdremoved a margin to our locationbranch1 branch2…branch1 branch2 branch3 branch4 branch5 branch6changed the position of social iconsinitial commitAdded css fileChallenge-02Challenge-02Added HTML filesChallenge-01-HTMLChallenge-01-HTMLAdded CSS fileChallenge-06-Gi…Challenge-06-Git-And-GitLabAdded HTML fileAdd responsive navigation bar and improve overall layoutmastermasterChallenge 6Initial commitInitial commit with