You can move around the graph by using the arrow keys.
Created with Raphaël 2.2.024May2321201915141310986432Edited php filemainmainAdded project documentationTried some different width on hr elementdevelopmentdevelopmentChanged carousel item widthChanged height of the footer's second columnChanged some stylesChanged the name of btn class to btn-blackFixed bootstrap carousel codeChanged mobile-l to 426pxMerge branch 'company-info' into developmentAdded carousel codeFinished php file so the form can write into the database/ Check if the connection was successfulAdded bootstrap carousel codeChanged mobile responsiveness styles on benefits segmentcompany-infocompany-infoAdded margin bottom on mission for mobileChanged some overall responsiveness stylesAdded bootstrap cdnsFooter finishedfooterfooterForm element finishedAdded contact and location to the footerCreated branch footerValues segment finishedMission-vision segment finishedAdded h3 in partners segmentEdited testimonial cardsChanged laptop-l stylesMade some responsive changes on the cards and fontsExpectations segment finishedCreated company-info branchChanged responsivness on feedback cardsAdded hover style to the button and changed some responsiveness stylesChanged laptop-m-stylesChanged some mobile responsivness stylesMade some changes to the headingsFinished feedback sectionfeedbackfeedbackFeedback section merged to developmentServices section merged to developmentBanner merged to developmentFeedback section HTML finished